PHP: mysql_set_charset - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor I just hope that the text below will help someone who is struggling with charset encoding, specially when php-charset is different from the mysql-charset. Let me add that I really think that the php man-pages on the mysql-functions are lacking a lot of de
php - SET NAMES utf8 in MySQL? - Stack Overflow I often see something similar to this below in PHP scripts using MySQL query("SET NAMES utf8"); I have never had to do this for any project yet so I have a couple basic ...
php mysql utf 8 - 相關部落格
MySQL Bugs: #10195: LOAD DATA INFILE and UTF-8 The following works for me on Windows MySql 4.1.8-nt and is far less drastic than dropping and rebuilding your database. Before executing the LOAD DATA INFILE-command set the following variable (assuming you want to import an UTF-8 character set file): SE
PHP utf8_encode() Function - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials Free HTML CSS JavaScript DOM jQuery XML AJAX RSS ASP .NET PHP SQL tutorials, references, examples for web building. ... Definition and Usage The utf8_encode() function encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8. Unicode is a universal standard, and has ...
Sets the client character set - PHP See also MySQL: choosing an API guide and related FAQ for more .... A php web- application fully utf-8 encoded and a mysql database in latin1 charset. To make ...
Définit le jeu de caractères du client MySQL - PHP Voir aussi le guide MySQL : choix de l'API ainsi que la FAQ associée pour .... A php web-application fully utf-8 encoded and a mysql database in latin1 charset.
Sets the client character set - PHP Using mysql_query() to set it (such as SET NAMES utf8) is not recommended. See the MySQL character set concepts section for more information.
蕃茄腦袋: [轉載]MySQL 的「SET NAMES UTF8」字元編碼問題 其中的utf8 隨著我們上面的設置而改動。此時,要是我們透過採用UTF-8 的PHP 程式 從資料庫裡讀取資料,很有可能是一串"?????」 或者是其他亂碼。網上查了半天, ...
php - SET NAMES utf8 in MySQL? - Stack Overflow I often see something similar to this below in PHP scripts using MySQL ... It is needed whenever you want to send data to the server having ...